Getting Up To Date
I bought an Evo 4. I'm going to copy & paste my forum posts because it took some time to figure out how to add a page to this layout so I haven't been posting about it.
Background: December 30th, 2020 I purchased a dream car of mine. Now almost a year later (November 2021) and finally legal to import into the states, the dream has become very real. Welcome home my new to me 1996 Mitsubishi Evolution IV GSR!
A HUGE shoutout to @lockhart.m109r for hitting me up about the car being available and for being amazingly flexible throughout this whole process and holding onto the car for almost a year for me! Also a HUGE shoutout to JDMI Garage for helping get it to their shop and getting it running!
Update: I was wanting to swap the wheels for a set of 17" which means I had to sell the Advans and I found a set of Volk TE37 on ebay. They are 17x7.5 with an unknown high offset. I ordered a set of custom adapters since they are 5x100 and they should help push the wheels flush. Just waiting on the adapters now, I picked up a set of Sumitomo HTR A/S P03 215/45/17 from tire rack for them.

Alright, so I'm running into an issue with getting this thing running correctly.
Issue: With the vacuum line disconnected from the map sensor, the car runs and idles. When we attach the vacuum line onto the map sensor, the idle dies and the car shuts off.
Things I've tried:
-Replaced coolant temp sensor
-Replaced IAT sensor
-Replaced MAP sensor
-Replaced vacuum hoses
-Have had my tuner look at it and try a couple of things, does not seem to be a tuning issue
Comparing the readings to my Evo8s on evoscan, I've noticed the MAP reading stays around atmospheric pressure and the iat is reading only at 11. My next step is to dive into the wiring. This car had an Evo8 ECU already installed. Looking at it, it's slightly a mess. I've found the wires that needed to be swapped and all those are correct but there is an additional wire spliced into the MAP sensor wire on pin 73 within the conversion harness. I'm not sure what this additional wire is and am not sure how to find out. There are also a couple of other wiring nests under the dash I need to dive into and see what they're for.
Here is a video of how the car is acting,
Update: I had come across online that the Evo 5/6 ecus are plug and play into the Evo 4. Luckily I have a spare Evo 5 ECU sitting around that I've been trying to sell. I unplugged the Evo 8 ECU mess and plugged in the 5 and the car runs, no shutting off with the vacuum connected. I have a feeling it's due to this wire someone spliced into the map wire on the adapter harness but I haven't figured out what that wire is for yet. Anyways, now the check engine light is on and the code reader won't link up to the car so there's another wiring issue somewhere. Which no surprise it's still a mess under the dash. Here's a video showing this.
Smol update: I found out from some fellow Evo 4 owners on Instagram that the Mitsubishi early obdii are pretty old school and to read codes you have to jump pins 1&4 on the obd connector. With this done I am getting code 012 which reads "airflow sensor." The car is converted to speed density so I was confused about this until I came across this thread ( I assume this is something my tuner needs to take care of so I've contacted him to see if he can help. Hopefully, that's all it is!
Meanwhile, I'm still going to town with trying to clean up the wiring under the dash. There are so many wires that arent even connected to anything its ridiculous. And the way things are spliced together is very lazy to put it nicely.
Also, I finally got my wheel adapters to be able to install the TE37s, HOWEVER, I ran into some bad luck due to neglect of double-checking on my end. When I ordered the adapters I didn't have the wheels yet and did a semi thorough google search to see what the TE37 hub bore is, 99% came back with 73.1.... well evidently I ordered the 1% that has a different hub bore. The hub bore on these wheels is 64.6, odd because I can't find anything with that size bore. I know a handful of models are 56.1 but not sure why someone would choose a 64.6 hub bore. I'm still super curious so any ideas feel free to comment them!
Im hoping to have this car on the road by March which is feasible but its at my work so staying late is tricky and im gone two of the weekends so we will see!
I got my wheels and tires dropped off at a local powder coat company! It'll probably be late next week until I get them back but I probably won't have my new adapters until then anyways.

Just a smol update: Removed the yellow fog tint, and found out I need to replace the fog light bulbs lol. Finished removing the excess wiring, which was a ton. All of the wiring pictured was completely unused.. cut on one side or leading to nowhere. The only thing left electrical-wise is getting two of the gauges working but I want to move them so I haven't messed with them yet and probably won't until after it's tuned. I also removed the front seats and center console to do a thorough vacuum which was much needed. Lastly, I finally started the tuning process with my tuner from out east. I finally was able to load a base map but were still working out some kinks to get evoscan to connect so I can log. Yes, it is being street logged because there isn't a tuner out here in SLC, UT that I trust that tunes open source.
Next: I'm heading into the shop tomorrow to work on something for the Evo Ive been waiting 2 months for and am very excited! I'll post updates as long as all goes smoothly.